Breton-style buckwheat crepes

The typical dish of Brittany. You only need 3 ingredients to prepare this recipe, it couldn't be simpler and easier. You could also try Breton-style buckwheat crepes

Done in 2 h. 25 min.

  • preparation 5 min.
  • cuisson 20 min.
  • repos 2 h.


1 spatula 1 mixing bowl 1 tablespoon 1 ladle

Ingredients for 4 parts


  • Mix all the ingredients.
  • Leave to rest for at least 6 hours, ideally 24 hours
  • Preheat the pan, or better yet the bilig to 200°c and butter generously.
  • Spread the dough well, when it comes apart, turn it over.
  • Garnish and finish cooking by folding the edges.

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